Another Attempt at Describing Reasoning


One of the hardest things to understand about reasoning with oneself is how this process differs from simply thinking about things, applying logic, being ‘practical’, or any of the other things that we normally group under the heading of reasoning. The main difference is that it’s not our thoughts or our thinking that changes; it’s really our will that changes. One can go further by saying that reasoning gives us a power of decision, based on reality, which allows us to take effective action. One can go even further by saying that reasoning allows us to literally create a new reality for ourselves.

A vital part of this process has to do with our ability to link past, present and future into one present moment. It’s this expansion of our present moment that allows us to connect things together in a new way. This might simply be a case of effectively linking cause and effect which allows us to see the consequences of our actions. But it can also allow us to re-enter and change the past by changing how we experienced a past event. This is sometimes referred to as reframing, but our reasoning process involves much more than just putting a new interpretation around an old event. It’s also about changing our emotional, physical and mental energy connected to a past event, and will probably involve a new decision about that event as well, which likely will change it completely.

In the same way we can ‘reverse’ the usual cause and effect connection of the past causing things to happen in the future, and by reasoning we can allow the future to change the present… and even the past.

If all of this sounds a little too good to be true, it’s because we are normally locked into the thinking and experience of the physical world where cause and effect is the order of the day.  Seldom do we consider the world of being, our own connection to the world of being, and what it means to change things in that world. We have even less connection to the world of will where we are able to take… and keep… real decisions.

A real process of reasoning brings all three of these worlds together in the same present moment.


Or's picture

I remembered that Nicoll speak about the ability to change events  from the future and the past even of our grandfathers,

i don't recall this chapter clearly and i didn't found it yet but i found another chapter that is also related...

